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Storio 2 Hack (Er ist endlich da!!!)





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Ungelesen 16.02.16, 19:40   #11
Registriert seit: Jan 2010
Beiträge: 55
Bedankt: 147
Zeroy ist noch neu hier! | 0 Respekt Punkte

Okay at first you must download the games on your storio from the vtech downloader manager.
After this download the spiffy Hack: [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ]
Copy this to your SD and put a entry in your db same like a game but only with the folder link.
After this Turn on your Tap open the spiffy hack press volume down.
If this is finish copy the decryted folder from your sd to your pc.
in this folder you have a big .bin file open this with 7-zip extract it and ready.

If you like to decrypt a Cardridge then press volume up.

Why downloaded games only on your tap. Because this games are encrypted with the and the commonkey from the story. every storio has his own commonkey. You can only decrypt this with the commonkey thats why its only possibile on your storio.

PAW Patrol has only a Download Code for Storio 2 and 3s and a card for Max.

And here a good french site with games there i found all from our french games: [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ]

And you are welcome [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ]

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Sorry zeroy for the post in a wrong section .can you explain me how copy paw patrol to use in my STORIO please.
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