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JDownloader + reCAPTCHA plugin - download from reCAPTCHA free hosters without hassle





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Ungelesen 25.01.11, 11:42   #1
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Standard JDownloader + reCAPTCHA plugin - download from reCAPTCHA free hosters without hassle

How to download from reCAPTCHA free hosters without hassle

1st of all I need to say this is an official JDownloader plug-in, available on JDownloader forum,
so feel free to continue reading.


I think there is no need to explain what JDownloader is and what it does. But what I think needs
a bit explanation and reason why I'm actually writing this simple tutorial is how to be able to use
JDownloader to AUTOMATICALLY download from free file hosters which use reCAPTCHA protections.

Generally, you will all agree that entering reCAPTCHA codes in not a complicated thing to do (even lately
Goolge has added some more challenge even for humans to reCAPTCHA codes). But is is very inconvenient
to leave downloads from such free hosters unattended, especially during the night.

So, to solve this issue I was surfing around to find a suitable solution to solve my problems and
without asking me for any kind of payment (so yes, read on this method WON'T ask you to pay for anything!).
And I've found it! So, if you're still interested read on ...

But please, before you proceed, just keep in mind that you WON'T NEED to make any kind of payment for this
method to work for you, as well I WON'T GET any payment for writing this simple tutorial!

OK, this is what you need to do to make this work for you:

1) Get JDownloader from [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] (it's a free java based download manager, adware/spyware free).

2) Go to [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] (don't worry I'm not being paid if
you follow this link) and find item "Account" on menu or click on "Sign up for a free account!". Once again
I won't receive any money if you create account, so you can do it freely. Also when you sign-up you will receive
100 free credits.
A small word of advice: When you create your account, don't forget to go to your Inbox and verify your account,
to prevent loosing all your credits (this also will cost you nothing).

3) When you have created your account, find "Earn Credits" on menu and you will start to receiving reCAPTCHA codes
which you need to type in to earn credits. This credits will enable you to use this service to AUTOMATE your downloads
from reCAPTCHA free hosters. For more information see FAQ to see how you earn or can spend your credits.
The main thing is that you can very easily earn 500 credits which will be more than enough to automate
any kind of download from free reCAPTCHA hosters.

4) OK, now when you have some credits on your account, it is time for you to "cash them in", better said for others to
solve your reCAPTCHA's. Find item "Plugins" on menu and download JDownloader plugin (available as Win and Linux download).
I will show you how to use it under Win OS.

5) If you have JDownloader running, close it completely, because it needs to restart to (re)load it's plugins.
Open file which you have just downloaded in previous step and extract folder "captchatrader"
from .zip archive to <JDownload Install Directory>\jd\captcha\methods (ie. C:\Program Files\JDownloader\jd\captcha\methods).

6) Go to folder "captchatrader" (ie. C:\Program Files\JDownloader\jd\captcha\methods\captchatrader ) and use Notepad (or any
other text editor) to edit file named "". Once you have opened it enter your username
and password you used when you created your account. This part is crucial as it will enable to use your earned credits!
If you feel a bit insecure, you can also instead of typing in your password type in your Passkey (seems to me like MD5 hash
of your password, so 100% secure) which can be found on 1st page when you log in to your account. This way no one can
steal your credits, so you're safe to go.

7) once you have completed everything from previous step, (re)start JDownloader and enjoy hassles downloading from all reCAPTCHA
free file hosters! there is no need to adjust any other settings in JDownloader for this plug-in to work!
All of you who have firewall, you may be asked to allow Java to access Internet, which you should do, as this plug-in needs to send
your reCAPTCHA's to server and send you responses back. Anyway no harm in this process is done.

I've tried this and I can say this method works perfectly with many reCAPTCHA hosters.
I know this is not a revolutionary thing, as there are other reCAPTCHA based services, but you have to pay for all of them,
and this one is FREE to use. The main point is you can earn credits yourself when you have time for it, to be able to spend
them later when you need your automated downloads. Or if you are tired of typing in, you can cheaply buy credits as well,
but this is NOT a prerequisite for this plugin to work!

And one more thing - I'm NOT the author of JDownloader, as well as this reCAPTCHA plug-in and will not be responsible for any
possible consequences. I just wanted to share part of my knowledge with you. If you are willing to try, feel free, if not maybe next time ...

For JDownloader to run you need to have Java run-time installed, so go to to download it [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ]
if you already haven't done so.

I hope admin/moderator will not feel this post is some kind of spam or advertising, as it is not!
I absolutely have not financial benefits from it!

Please report your experience with this plugin. Thanx.

Hier ist Link zum Seite mit ein bisschen erneuerten Infos zum thema reCAPTCHA Erkennung and JDownloader Integration (auf englisch) - [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ]
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Jinx1978 (26.05.18)
Ungelesen 02.02.11, 05:52   #2
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sandop ist noch neu hier! | 0 Respekt Punkte

für "nur" 1000 (tausend) gelöste Captchas gibt es den Gegenwert von einem 1 $.
Zum Einlösen müssen mind. 5 $ "angespart" werden.
In der Zeit löse ich meine Captchas dann lieber doch selbst oder kaufe regulär einen Premium-Account bei einem Hoster.

Nur sinnvoll, wenn man sehr viel Zeit hat oder Kinder, denen man das als "Rätsel" unterjubeln kann

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Ungelesen 05.02.11, 09:20   #3
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Funktioniert perfekt - Einlösen funktioniert schon an 150 "Credits"
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Ungelesen 12.02.11, 23:59   #4
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Standard recaptcha

bei mir geht die automatishce erkunnung nicht weil kaspersky es stop weis aber nicht wie ich das austellen kann habe das programm schon auf verurausenwürdig gestellt funkt aber trozedem noch nicht
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Ungelesen 20.03.11, 16:55   #5
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santosp ist noch neu hier! | 0 Respekt Punkte

Muss man dafür was bezahlen??

Funktioniert immer noch beim ??
Ich lese mir die [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] durch, bevor ich eine Sig erstelle!
I read the [ Link nur für registrierte Mitglieder sichtbar. Bitte einloggen oder neu registrieren ] before I create a signature.
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Ungelesen 22.03.11, 04:22   #6
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sdf_gambler zeigt Immunität gegen Parfüm! | 254 Respekt Punktesdf_gambler zeigt Immunität gegen Parfüm! | 254 Respekt Punktesdf_gambler zeigt Immunität gegen Parfüm! | 254 Respekt Punkte

guess iam going to test it in the next few days =P
--- 1st nick? myArchiv --- 2nd nick? myGully ---
beware of picture requests thx ^___^
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Ungelesen 21.08.11, 09:12   #7
Simpson Fan
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Thank you!

But I am still waiting for the email...

edit: works perfectly!
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Ungelesen 09.03.12, 14:19   #8
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Des ist die Firewall von deinem Kaspersky...
Einstellungen --> Firewall --> Einstellungen... --> Paketregeln --> + Hinzufügen
Dann kommt ein kleines Fenster

kA ob ich unnötig irgendwelche einstellungen gemacht habe, aber hauptsache es klappt
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