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Snes9x for PS2 alpha





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Ungelesen 14.05.08, 12:11   #1
Cloud Strife
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Standard Snes9x for PS2 alpha


I decided to create a new thread for Snes9x so information about it doesn´t get mixed with FCEUltra´s feedback.

This is an early alpha. I´ve integrated the browser from my FCEUltra port so you can browse for a rom. There´s no sound, yet. The only video mode supported is the low-res mode for now. There´s no option to exit, either, so you´ll have to reboot manually. Unfortunately, it´s been crashing for me on my test rom in PCSX2, so I haven´t tested it much. It might be from disabling 16-bit, transparencies, and hi-res modes so the compatability is severely limited in this release. Only one pad works, right now, and it´s mapped the same as a normal snes pad. Analog should work as well. I don´t think I´ve gotten input fully implemented yet, since it seems to expect all the button states to be handled manually. If you play an sram enabled game, it might try saving to the same path as the rom, so be wary. Test at your own risk, .
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