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Englisch Klausur Barack Obama Speech American Dream





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Ungelesen 25.09.12, 17:08   #1
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Standard Englisch Klausur Barack Obama Speech American Dream

Hallo Leute

hab da zu Englisch eine klausur ....

Die Aufgaben sind :

1) Summary
2) Stylistic devices
3) Own Opionion whith the history of african american

Das ist der Text :

Obama's November 7, 2007, speech on the 'American Dream'

BETTENDORF, Iowa (CNN) -- It's wonderful to be here today. I feel right at home in Bettendorf, which is just a stone's throw from my home state of Illinois. But the truth is, we share more than the banks of a great river.

If you spend time in Washington, you hear a lot about the divisions in our country. About how we're becoming more separated by geography and ideology; race and religion; wealth and opportunity. And we've had plenty of politicians who try to take advantage of these divisions - pitting Americans against one another, or targeting different messages to different audiences.

But as I've traveled around Iowa and the rest of the country these last nine months, I haven't been struck by our differences - I've been impressed by the values and hopes that we share. In big cities and small towns; among men and women; young and old; black, white, and brown - Americans share a faith in simple dreams. A job with wages that can support a family. Health care that we can count on and afford. A retirement that is dignified and secure. Education and opportunity for our kids. Common hopes. American dreams.

These are dreams that drove my grandparents. After my grandfather served in World War II, the GI Bill gave him a chance to go to college, and the government gave them a chance to buy a home. They moved West, worked hard at different jobs, and were able to provide my mother with a decent education, to help raise me, and to save enough to retire.

These are dreams that drove my father-in-law. A city worker in Chicago, he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 30. But every day, even when he had to leave an hour earlier in the morning and rely on a walker to get him there, he went to work while his wife stayed home with the kids. And on that single salary, he provided for his family and sent my wife Michelle and her brother to college. His dream was to see them do better. And they have.

These are dreams that drove my mother. A single mom - even while relying on food stamps as she finished her education, she followed her passion for helping others, and raised my sister and me to believe that in America there are no barriers to success - no matter what color you are, no matter where you're from, no matter how much money you have.

It's change that I've been fighting for since I moved out to Chicago over two decades ago. Because those dreams - American dreams - are worth fighting for.

The dreams of my grandfather - who marched in Patton's Army and moved his family west in search of opportunity.

The dreams of my grandmother - who was up at dawn and worked twice as hard at her job because a woman had to work harder to get ahead.

The dreams of my father who crossed an ocean because America offered that light to the world.

The dreams of my mother - a single mom who understood that a life rich in family and experience was more important than a life of riches.

The dreams of those men and women on the South Side of Chicago, who fought with me to create a future for their community after the steel plant was shuttered.

There has been a lot of talk in this campaign about the politics of hope. But the politics of hope doesn't mean hoping that things come easy. It's a politics of believing in things unseen; of believing in what this country might be; and of standing up for that belief and fighting for it when it's hard.

America is the sum of our dreams. And what binds us together, what makes us one American family, is that we stand up and fight for each other's dreams, that we reaffirm that fundamental belief - I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper - through our politics, our policies, and in our daily lives. It's time to do that once more. It's time to reclaim the American dream.

Bittte helft mir da weiter ... ich kann sowas nicht
danke im vorras
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Ungelesen 26.09.12, 05:23   #2
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Da du diese Aufgaben, beziehungsweise ähnliche, auch in der richtigen Klausur haben wirst, solltest du es vielleicht erstal selber versuchen und dann kann dir hier mmernoch insoweit geholfen werden, als das dir hier Verbesserungsorschläge und Tipps gegeben werden können.

Also Summary sollte klar, eine einfach Zusammenfassung sollte man ja bereits aus dem Deutsch Unterricht kennen. Lies dir den Text dafür einige Male durch, schlage unbekannte Begriffe nach und versuche den Text so gut wie möglich zu verstehen und dann fast du diesen kurz aber verständlich, inklusive aller wichtigen Informationen, zusammen.

Stylistic Devices: Hierbei untersuchst du den Text auf sprachliche Mittel, die verwendet werden, sowie deren Wirkung (Was diese bewirken).
Stilistische Mittel solltest du ja bereits kennen. (Alliteration, Anaphora, Metaphor, Simile, Personification, Synecdoche etc. )

Und angekommen bei der dritten Aufgabe, schreibst du nun einen eigenen Text, in Bezug auf den Inhalt der vorliegenden Quelle. In diesem Fall also die Geschichte der afrikanisch-stämmigen Menschen in Amerika (Sklaventransporte nach Amerika, Rassentrennung, etc. ). Dabei sollte allerdings ein Bezug zur Quelle und deren Inhalt vorhanden sein.
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